patent review

Electrolyte Additives Used in Silicon Anode-based LIBs


In this report, patents regarding electrolyte additives for silicon anode-based lithium-ion batteries are included in 245 patent families, whose technical information was extracted in an excel file and then they were analyzed.

Generally, the total number of patents requested in silicon anode electrolyte additives between 2000 and 2020 was examined.

Based on the data got from this report, the results show that SONY has the most active patents and pending patents in silicon anode electrolyte additives compared to other companies. Furthermore, in 2019 and 2020, ENEVATE received the most patent requests.

Report's Key Features

This report analyzes the technical information of the electrolyte additives reported in patents in the following sections:

  • Examining the top companies in silicon anode electrolyte additives in terms of the number of patents.
  • Studying the types of electrolyte additives reported in patents.
  • Investigating the usage of electrolyte additives reported in patents.
  • Considering the type and percentage of additives used.
  • Comparing the percentage of cyclic reversibility and cyclic stability of additives that have been reported most frequently in patents.
  • Investigating the trend in using various types of electrolyte additives by companies from 2000 to 2020.
  • Examining the types of electrolyte additives reported in the top 30 patents.
  • Checking how much electrolyte additive is reported in the top 30 patents.
  • Analyzing the binders used in the top 30 patents.
  • Investigating the types of silicon anode binders reported in patents.
  • investigating the percentage of binders reported in patents.
  • Finding out which additives and binders companies tend to use and the percentages they use.
  • Studying the relationship between the type of silicon anode material, the type of additive, and their amount in the electrolyte solution.
  • A review of the top five patents in the field of silicon anode electrolyte additives is conducted as well as an analysis of the relationship between the type of silicon anode material and the type and amount of binder.

Further information

If you have any questions about this report, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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    Patent review, electrolyte additives, Lithium-ion battery